Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thank You!!!

Yes! It's that time again. 

You know, the time when I get the chance to say thank you to you, my readers, because  it's entirely your doing that I got to once again donate my royalties to a charity.

How I love seeing those payments come in. Oh, yes, I do. Because it means we're making a difference together. However big or small, we're doing it.

It's just too sweet to give back when you can, and when I started this whole writing thing I swore that I made any $$$ it would go to a charity directly involved in making Angiomas a tad less suckworthy.

Um, they're still suckworthy. Don't get me wrong. But hey, like I always say--these donations aren't a lot but they're still something which is actually quite something.

Right? So. It's something.

Anyway, as always, this doesn't mean the job is done. Oh, no. So, just a reminder, this blog is offered on subscription on Amazon, and meanwhile -- thanks to you all out there. 


(Remember, you can still subscribe if you haven't. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the app. You can also just donate to myFirstgiving page over there (yeah, right over there on the sidebar, I swear, or you can just click this link) if the mood hits ya, or go to Angioma Alliance and see how you can help thereMoney's great; it's always appreciated. But they need volunteers and other resources as well. Anyway, my point is it feels good to get to help those who help us. :) It really does.)