Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fasudil Drug Study

Results of a new study were recently released regarding Fasudil and CCMs in mice.  Used in Japan, Fasudil is a drug used to treat brain aneurysm patients. While not currently approved for use in the United States, the genetically-modified mice treated with Fasudil in the study had fewer and smaller lesions than those who received the placebo. 

This is something to watch...

Check out the press release here. 

Check out the article published October 27, 2011 online at Stroke hereIt will be available in the January '12 print issue as well.


Fasudil Decreases Lesion Burden in a Murine Model of Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Disease

  1. David A. McDonald, BSc
  2. Changbin Shi, MD
  3. Robert Shenkar, PhD;
  4. Rebecca A. Stockton, PhD
  5. Feifei Liu, MSc
  6. Mark H. Ginsberg, MD;
  7. Douglas A. Marchuk, PhD
  8. Issam A. Awad, MD

  1. From the Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Department (D.A. McDonald, D.A. Marchuk), Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; the University of Chicago Medical Center (C.S., R.S., F.L., I.A.A.), Biological Sciences Division, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and the Department of Medicine (R.A.S., M.H.G.), University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA.

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